After years of infertility and IVF, we've finally seen light from the other side. I knew it could happen, but certainly didn't think it would be us ... our new life with twins. Gulp.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Please Cover the Offending Belly

I actually went to the gym yesterday. And the day before. And I did okay. I expected to have absoluly no cardiovascular strength at all, since it's been six months since my last visit, but I did okay. I guess all the trips up and down our very steep steps with two babies, umpteen times a day, has worked in my favor. But not the point of my entry today ...

Two machines down is a fit, pregnant woman, working away on the eliptical trainer. It's hot, she's hot (who isn't during pregnancy during August?), and she lifts up her baggy tank top to allow some air to hit her belly. It feels good, so she leaves it up, and keeps on moving.

A sixty-some woman, walking through the gym on her way to the tennis court mind you - not even working out, comes over, and proceeds to tell Mom-to-Be that it's entirely inappropriate for her to be exposing herself like that. It's offensive, etc., etc., etc. To which MTB replies that, number one, she's hot, and isn't it great that she's trying to keep herself fit and heathy for her baby, and number two, it's a gym, it's not like she's in a restaurant or anything. And noone else seems to be offended. To which we all smile and roll our eyes at her.

The very polite, but fueled, back-and-forth continues, MTB pulls down her shirt to get the damn lady to leave. And a few minutes later, after we've all discussed it and sided with her, she pulls her shirt back up. It's hot.

I wore tight shirts to the gym when I was pregnant ... they were more comfortable. There are plenty of very fit and well-endowed women who simply wear sports bras. No complaints here. It's a gym - a place that exists solely for the betterment of the human body. What gives?


GLouise said...


First of all, the pregnant lady has every right to do this. As you said, it's a gym!

Second- I see lots of offensive/gratuitous flesh in non-gym parts of my life. would you ever catch me telling some overweight man to try suspenders?


Some people have no manners!

Anonymous said...

She should have told the old bitty to be glad that it wasn't ancient greek times when people worked out naked.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, that is just ridiculous. And from another woman too! What is with these Puritans that always pop out of the woodwork when someone is trying to be a mom? I bet this cranky lady gets offended by moms nursing in public too - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
