After years of infertility and IVF, we've finally seen light from the other side. I knew it could happen, but certainly didn't think it would be us ... our new life with twins. Gulp.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Is She? Isn't She?

I'm confused. Is she an OB/GYN, a surgeon, a neonatologist, or a pediatrician? And can one be all at once?

Now, I realize that an OB is also a surgeon. I first came upon this knowledge as I lay half-drugged on the operating table and my OB/GYN said, rather frantically and loudly "Get another surgeon. Get another surgeon now. We need another surgeon here." To which the reply was "It's five a.m., there are no other surgeons here now." And all went along just swimmingly.

But anyway, I'm a bit confused about the esteemed Doctor Addison Shepard. She sees women for prenatal care, she delivers babies, she treats babies in the NICU, and then, she operates on them as well.

Just seems like a whole lot for one lady to take care of.


Eva said...

Okay, this was totally bugging me, thank you for saying it! When she was operating on preemies and visiting babies in the NICU I was yelling at the TV, um, I don't think she's really done residencies in that many different areas... And having been through a c-section with 4 neonatologists in the room (2 per baby), it was particularly annoying.

Anonymous said...

Well said!