After years of infertility and IVF, we've finally seen light from the other side. I knew it could happen, but certainly didn't think it would be us ... our new life with twins. Gulp.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Obsession: Cheaper than Therapy

And no, I'm not talking about the lovely scented-stuff that I dabbed behind my ears as an eager-for-a-smooch 13 year old.

How much obsession is healthy? In all of my various resources of information and opinion, gleaned from qualified and totally unqualified sources, noone seems to answer that question, and it makes me wonder if I'm going totally whacked. Do I qualify as unhealthy and unstable because I currently have serious plans or obsessions about the following baby-related subjects?
  • The special way I will tell J that yes, indeed we are pregnant. It's quite clever, based on a little inside joke we have. Actually, there are two scenarios, and I waste quite a bit of time vacillating back and forth about which way would be best to spring the happy news. ** When in reality, we'll probably both be present for the news, should it ever come to that, delivered by a hopefully-happy-but-more-likely-unenthusiastic nurse.
  • How many baby gates will be required to contain said unknown children in the family/kitchen/living areas of our house, and their exact locations. Also, which style I prefer {simple, sleek white, versus the fussy, overembellished kind}
  • What type of pretty nightgown I'll be wearing when I elegantly give birth to said baby{s}
  • The design, layout, colors, furniture, fabrics of yet-to-be-created-in-a-petri-dish child{ren}. This I get a bit of forgiveness, as I work in this field, so it's a natural progression for me. Right? Seriously, there is a fast-growing pile of fabric swatches in the designated to-be nursery. The only reason I enter the room is to add another piece of pretty green fabric to the pile {unless of course, we have a houseguest who, against bettejudgmentnt, is forced to spend the night in the short-bus bed surrounded by "could it be for a nursery?" accessories}

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