After years of infertility and IVF, we've finally seen light from the other side. I knew it could happen, but certainly didn't think it would be us ... our new life with twins. Gulp.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Total Bitch?

Or just a little-bit bitch? You tell me.

So, retreival is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, at 8:15. Dr. Pleasant did call me back quite quickly, which is nice. What is not nice is that I was in the produce section of my grocery store, and interpreting his questions and trying to answer them, all while ensconced in a large metal building that doesn't favor cell phone reception. Picture me, yelling (while hiding behind a large rack of nuts) "You want to know what? When the last time we had sex was? Oh, yea, it was yesterday, right before we saw you!"

That's all set, and I'm really looking forward to meeting the anesthesiologist. And becoming his friend.

So am I a total bitch? Today J's sister called to tell us she is pregnant. With her second. The day before our egg retreival. For our first baby. For which we've been trying for more than two years.

Perhaps you couldn't see the genuine happiness I felt, what with my tears and hysterical ranting. Of course I'm pleased for them. I'm insanely jealous. I'm mad at the world because life just isn't fair.


Sheryl said...

No you are not a bitch!! Of course you are going to be happy for them (in your own way!) but its always going to hurt.

GOOD LUCK on the retrieval tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you got that news - no matter what, when you are in our shoes, it hurts. Good luck with everything else!

Anonymous said...

OMG your SIL's timing sucked! She will feel sooo bad later when she puts it all together (your family is still in the dark, right?)!
Good Luck with your retrieval tomorrow!! I'll be sending you loads of P & PT's!!
(miss you on the IVFFSA board)

cat said...

No not a bitch at all. You can be happy and sad at the same time. It's a bittersweet thing to hear of others being pg while you are in the trenches. Sometimes we have a right to protect ourselves from these painful things and if the world cannot understand well... screw them.

Hope all went ok this morning. *fingers crossed*