After years of infertility and IVF, we've finally seen light from the other side. I knew it could happen, but certainly didn't think it would be us ... our new life with twins. Gulp.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Size of California, I Swear!

I was having a great morning, aside from being a bit late out the door, but did manage to squeeze in my decaf latte, so all was well in the world.

Arriving at my desk to the very large box marked REFRIGERATE IMMEDIATELY didn't even throw my pulse into high gear.

But when I opened up that first bag o' needles, and saw the big old honkers for the progesterone, my happy world came to a screetching halt. Slam on the brakes!

Those monsters are huge! And thick! What are they thinking? Well, I suppose it's nothing compared to the foot long needle they'll poke through my VJ to get at the eggs, but at least I can close my eyes for that one. I had a slight anxiety-ridden breakdown in front of my coworker, which was okay as she knows what's going on.

I'm tempted to pop the Valium. Right.This . Instant.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Are they really that big??? OMG I'm absolutely terrified of those needles. the little ones are easy!